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Over 1 Million+ In Client Revenue


Unleash Your Inner BOSS


Over 300 Women Served 


70,000 in 6 Months 

In just 6 months, Addison has restructured her business for better boundaries, and time freedom, brought on more aligned, and higher paying clients, and has 2 successful launches of her new program totalling over 60,000 in sales! We celebrated her crossing over 6 figures in our time together! 


When I started with Demi I was feeling like I would need to go back to corporate...  I was working 40+ hours a week on client work, and not making enough in my business. Demi helped me with foundational business strategy, and make serious shifts for profit.  Within 3 months of working with Demi I was able to go from working 40+ hours a week, spending a shit ton of nannies to now working 3ish hours a day, no longer working weekends, and hit my first 5k month. I was jumping up and down and couldn't belive it happened to me. I learned that I do have what it takes to make my business work and that I do have the capabilities within me to keep the momentum going which is out of control. I'm on track to now being the breadwinner of the family which was also a lifelong goal. I wanted to feel safe within my biz and now I do which i could cry to be honest. I couldn't have asked for someone more honest, intentional, and smart AF to help me. Demi is what this industry needs, she is everything I hope to be one day. Demi's program  changed the trajectory of my biz forever.


Investing into Demi was the best decision I have made yet for my business. When we started, I was struggling to find clients who were able to invest in my services, and I internally was struggling with imposter syndrome. I was lowkey panicking about making enough money. Demi gave me the tools to become more confident in selling my services and helped me structure my business to be sustainable. Not only that, but she also helped me come up with a full game plan to launch my first course and a plan for the next year to scale my business. Walking away from my my investment with Demi , I'm now comfortably making $8k months (and growing!!), I have a course I can launch whenever, I have people coming out of the woodwork wanting to work with me, and I'm making passive income with plans to launch more products this year. I know I'm building my dream business and life, and I have Demi to thank for helping me with this.


Choosing to working with Demi was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself and my business. before I started working with her I had one client and a few previous clients with no potential clients in sight. I didn't have a clear content strategy or any idea how to sell or market myself and my services. It felt like I was running in circles. The transformation I went through was life changing. In just 3 months I went from making $500/ month to making $5000/month! 

From the day we had our first call I knew that having Demi as a Mentor was going to be different and that I was going to see massive success and growth in my business.


DEMI CHANGED MY LIFE (simple as that).

Before starting with Demi - I had no clients, was close to giving up, had MAJOR imposter syndrome, my business felt more like a side hobby rather than a business due to little to no sales, I felt overwhelmed & stuck. The online space can sometimes sell you a dream of easy 10K months... but without the proper support that was no where in sight for me. During my time working with Demi I pivoted to a niched service that I felt aligned with, felt confident and sold through my content, learned to show up in a way that feels good to me rather than showing up every single day and burning out, got my first client within the first week! I was able to hit a 6K month in 4 months. From 0 to 6K months... and I learned to trust myself and gained the confidence I didn't have before! I could write an essay about everything I learned in my time with Demi, but the investment was 10000% worth it!


Before starting with Demi, I was on an extreme roller coaster with my business. I was overwhelmed, lost and really frustrated that I wasn't able to reach the high goals I was setting for myself. I knew I needed support and I wanted to learn from an expert. Soon after working with Demi, I started seeing clarity in my business — where I wanted it to go, what I wanted to be known for, the steps I had to take in order to get there and most importantly, I started learning the tools I needed in order to get there. In just 3 months, I've been able to have my highest income months in my biz so far but that wasn't even the biggest takeaway for me. I can now confidently move forward into this next season of my business because she gave me the tools to build out profitable product suites, build out strategic launches, create converting content, build unique offers and so much more to allow me to continue building a sustainable business model. I felt so incredibly supported by Demi — when she says her paying clients come first, she ain't lying. She truly cares about you and your business and it was so reassuring to have a mentor & friend that cares as deeply as she does! I would recommend Demi to literally anyone and everyone!


Demi was one of the best investments I've ever made for my business. The value that she provides is LITERALLY UNMATCHED from any other investment I've made. When I started with Demi, I knew I wanted a product suite & to figure out how to scale & feel more confident. I’ve now nailed down my niche, and have a few offers in mind thanks to her guidance. I’m showing up more in stories & selling and I’ve become more confident in my pricing and offers! The value I got from Voxer alone was amazing. Demi truly cares about her clients, listens to what they want and supports you around every turn. Investing with Demi his was by far my best, and most favourite investment I’ve made!


Demi EXCEEDED my expectations!


 Demi truly cares for her clients. She definitely makes you feel like you come first, and over delivers. She was so responsive on Voxer and always knew just the right thing to say.  I feel so confident in myself and know that I have the next steps and resources to support me along the way, without needing another coach. Also, if you have not seen her course the AcaDEMI yet... that was worth the investment on it's own! It is unlike any course I've seen. When I I started implementing Demi's OSP's that she taught in the Minimind, I hit my first $8k month. I literally went from making $1.5k to $8k in one month. Insane.  Overall I felt supported, confident, valuable, and worthy of taking up space in this online community. 


I absolutely loved working with Demi, I felt very supported the entire time I worked with her. The business person I was before starting with Demi VS the person I am now is literally a completely new person and I know for a fact I wouldn’t have been like that if supported by anyone else or did it on my own. Since starting the with Demi I even started receiving compliments from friends + family on my confidence! The way Demi really cares about seeing me do well and how authentic she is, is what gravitated me to work with her. I have grown so much in my business, I went from being a virtual assistant to really working on my expertise and pivoted into a social media manager. It was literally the best decision I could have made and I couldn’t have done it without Demi! Literally the best thank you!


Working with Demi was the BEST investment I've ever made for my business (and I've made a few...)

You can tell just how much Demi truly cares about her clients and their results. Demi went above and beyond when supporting me on my business journey (through the ups, and the downs!) During my time working with Demi  I felt supported, accepted, care for, and guided the entire time! Demi is incredibly responsive, knowledgeable and caring. I grew my business to 5K+ months in 3 months and I made back my investment so quickly,! I now have inquiries coming in weekly, and 100% plan on reinvesting in Demi the future. There's just no other Mentor like her! If you are thinking about investing with Demi, just do it. You will be blown away!


When I first started with Demi, I was really hopeful in my business, but discouraged. I had started trying to sell online in October after a Viral Tik Tok masterclass that I invested in but that wasn't enough support for me. I had the work ethic, but I knew I needed Demi to really up level and start my business online. I went from making $500 struggling in my business to $7,000 in just 3 months with the help and guidance from Demi. I am so proud of the internal work I did, and I am leaving Demi with the knowledge to continue growing my business and  with an aligned offer that I am so excited about! Thank you Demi!


Investing into Demi was BY FAR the best investment I could have ever made in my business. Every time I get on a call with Demi I am floored with her expertise and knowledge. She's an absolute mastermind and GENIUS when it comes to strategically marketing your business & making money online. She has taught me so so much and I feel like I've never felt more confident in my business. I honestly find it hard to trust any other coach after working with her. (in fact, I just resigned) I just want her to be my coach forever!


Demi just levelled me UP!

I had been coaching 1:1 for about a year before working with her, and I was doing well, but I was plateauing in my sales. I had not yet embraced, and realized that my business is a legit business. When I came to Demi - She flipped the whole thing on it's head, and just made it work. She empowered me, and showed me that I CAN do this. She taught me how to scale my product suite, and she helped me craft, and launch my new signature offer. Demi taught me SO much in just 3 months. I've made more money in my business in the past 3 months working with her than what I did the ENTIRE year before. My first launch alone brought in $7000 in one month.  If you are considering working with Demi, she is amazing, and the best investment I've ever made. 


I absolutely loved the working with Demi!


I felt completely understood and supported. When I first reached out to Demi I was facing burnout. I was working as a VA with hourly pricing AKA working nonstop for the equivalent of a corporate salary. I had no real strategy and wasn't embodying my CEO-self. Demi helped me with my pivot, structure my packages, create content - the works. She was ALWAYS there to help me with whatever I was facing. I learned SO much about what it really means to be the CEO of your own business, how to plan for the future, market, you name it. And best of all? She makes sure what you're doing in your business feels aligned to you; that is SO important. I now feel so much more confident in my business. I'm actually planning for the future. Creating what feels aligned with me and changing things that don't. I will be forever grateful to Demi for helping me get to this point in my business. If you're thinking of investing in her, don't hesitate. Seriously the best investment I have made thus far in my business.


When I came to Demi, I was in a place where I was growing quickly and had so many goals, ideas, and dreams but NO idea what to do with it.  I was so overwhelmed that I went into analysis paralysis... so I reached out to Demi. I was so drawn to her knowledge around marketing, launching and sales. It has been such an incredible experience. She delivers so much value, and has taken my vision and made it a reality with a clear roadmap. I launched my VA mentorship program and had a $7000 sales DAY. Every call with her I walked away with tangible tools to implement in my business. The confidene and encouragement she has given me is beyond. I am so grateful. She is so excited about my business (some days ore than me!) She is a true partner in your business. Thank you Demi! I appreciate you so much.   If you are considering working with Demi, in a program, or course, or 1:1 I would 1000% recommend her.


I came to Demi when we started I was feeling a bit lost in business. I wasn't sure of my packaging, pricing, content strategy, anything really.  After working with Demi I'm confident in what I'm offering, my pricing, and content strategy. Demi helped me brainstorm a shit ton of content ideas, and even named one of my packages. I'm proud that I learned it's okay to work with the ebbs and flows of my life and I am never going to be someone who is able to hustle all the time. I had a lot fo lightbulb moments throughout our time from figuring out who my ideal client is, that it was okay to niche down differently then others, and ultimately I am made for this!  Demi gave me the tools and foundation to be successful with my business.  I now have a 4 figure proposal out, consistent discovery calls booked and feel confident!


How do I start?? The 3 months I had with working with Demi was nothing short of one of the BEST investment i’ve made.


Honestly, not only is Demi the smartest business women, and badass CEO, she’s so welcoming, comforting, and really has your back through anything. She would always have the answer to ANY questions and always went into great detail to make sure you understood, and also gave you resources, and followed up with it. Her support was unmatchable, and her energy is magnetic. I felt so supported throughout the whole 3 months, and felt so understood throughout it all.

When I first started I was at a “good” spot in my business but I knew I wanted more. I wanted to add more aligned services to my product suite + pivot into a mentorship role in my expertise. With Demi by my side I hit my first multiple 4 figure month and now have recurring so I feel finically stable. If you are wanting the best coach in the world, Demi's your girl!


Working with Demi was a dream! Not only is she the best at business, but it’s like gaining a best friend! She focuses on making your business completely aligned with the strategies YOU love. I came to Demi feeling completely lost, not confident in my strategies or even knew what I was offering. Within the span of three months I feel like she gave me the wings to fly! She gave me strategies that felt completely aligned with myself and taught me that this space isn’t as scary as I think. The confidence she gave me as a business owner is unremarkable.I see my business in a completely different light now. The confidence in myself, my strategies, my offers, my business as a whole is absolutely priceless. 


Demi was so supportive and knows her shit!  I felt so comfortable asking her all kinds of questions! Sometimes I’d go into 1:1 meetings not knowing what exactly I needed help with and by the end, I’d feel so clear about my next steps. Before working with Demi I was about to give up on my business. I had spent months without a single client and was working for free. Demi helped me fall back in love with my business. Demi pushed me to keep going & I’m so glad she did. I’ve now had a couple amazing clients who I’ve been able to empower with my work. I made my first 4 figure month only 1 month in!


Before I started working with Demi I was all over the place in my business with my strategies and product suite. I kept trying so many different things and when they didn't work out I jumped to the next. Demi helped me see how I can use my story and my journey to create a sold product suite that I am in love with and that will provide so much to my own clients. The biggest shift I had while working with Demi is in my confidence, knowing what I offer is exactly what my audience needs.  In our time together I created and launched a webinar and I am in the middle of launching my membership! I'm so excited about where my business is going!


Demi absolutely changed my life.


I came to her making no money in my business confused on really everything. Not only did she teach me how to market & sign clients but also about the backend of my business I would’ve never figured out without her support. I was able to go from 0 to multiple 4 figure months and had my first 5 figure launch! After working with Demi I realized just how much I really did grow in only 3 months. I finally feel aligned and like the momentum that I am building in my business is carrying me to my next level.


Working with Demi has by far been the biggest game changer in my business. I am so incredibly glad I took the leap to work with her. Before we started working together, I was struggling to gain clients, I had 0 game plan and no niche in sight. Demi helped me niche down and position myself as an expert in my industry. She helped me to book out ALL of my services, I've built out a product suite, and make consistent 5,000+ months, and I know where I am going. Demi was so supportive in Voxer, she always had answers to my questions. If you're considering working with Demi, do it. You will not regret it. 



Honestly! Having Demi coach me has been nothing short of amazing! I was one of those people who found it very hard to invest in people's products and services online, and trust me, I nearly backed out. I had some clients when I started with Demi but was no where near where I wanted to be. As soon as I invested with Demi, NO JOKE I saw my investment returned within a day. And the rest they say is history. My confidence has definitely come alive. Those who know me know that I am a very shy person (and I still am) but thank you Demi for helping me boost that confidence, sign clients and grow my business!


Huge shout out and thank you to Demi. The first launch she took me through I made $12,600 in sales and signed 3 high ticket long term clients. I cannot reccomend Demi enough. She is the Queen of content, launching, and she makes it so simple, yet you get the most incredible results EVER. She has such positive energy, and is amazing at business. She helped me create a course and have another $8000 launch.II'm so happy and grateful! Demi is 100% dedicated to her clients and their growth. 


Listen, Investing in Demi is the best thing you can do for you and your business. In 2021, I decided to hire Demi. After our second call, I already knew the direction I needed to go in. The benefits of investing into support are next level. I was able to launch a mini course, build out my offer suite and transition into higher ticketed packages and am booked out with a waitlist! Running a business is no joke - so a shout out to the best business coach ever - Demi! 


I've done every type of coaching you can do. Group, masterminds, etc. It wasn't until I started working with Demi that I started to see the progress because of her accountability and support that she provided. I always knew she was in my corner.  She helped me to plan out my offer suite and bring in consistent sales even when I was taking time off for my wedding and honeymoon!  I was able to work 1 day a week for over a month and still generate $6,000 cash for August.


I need to talk about my coach Demi. I want to give a HUGE thanks to her. I had such an incredible experience. She taught me so much, and has helped my business grow and evolve. She helped me to plan out my entire offer, program and sign incredible clients. She is in your back pocket the ENTIRE time, and is a true partner in your business. She knows she is good at what she does, and it shows.  She genuinely just wants to help you and your business grow. I know know exactly what action steps to take to get to my goals. Nothing feels better than that. So Thank you Demi for helping me grow! 















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